He died at the end of that episode, which means that there's only one left. Some Fridge Horror food for thought: the 2014 Christmas episode said that Dade was one of 2 bald chocolate men left on Earth.There is only pain and darkness beyond this point. In fact, you could stop the pain at this very momentīy putting a bullet straight through your head.Īnd I will never be able to experience the sweet release of death. The inevitable decay of all pain and memory is unstoppable. You only have to endure another 50 years of excruciatingly unforgivable pain.Īs long as the factor of time continues to be the apex predator of the universe, With the average human lifespan being 70, Just the thought of going into the topic is enough to make Frank nervous. When the Internet stereotypes video reaches into the " Ratchet " section, the music becomes ominous and forboding.In Frank's "I eat ass" Jap 101 video, he tries demonstrating the smile that you give to a girl after telling them the pickup line.note For those of you who don't know, waterboarding is a type of torture where water is poured over the victim's face, which is covered with a cloth, to simulate the effect of drowning.

If that wasn't bad enough, Frank gets waterboarded and simultaneously strangled at the end.In Frank's ALS Ice Bucket Challenge video, we see Frank subjected to all kinds of crazy stuff that mostly doesn't even have to do with the challenge.While most of these are played for laughs like sacrificing fedoras and a Shiny Charizard card, one video which made it onto the montage is played horrifyingly straight. Even when it's played in a heartwarming context (Frank using the sacrifices to save Salamander Man) it's pretty disturbing when you think that Frank asked his fans to murder and sacrifice people to appease the dark lord. His demands for chromosome sacrifices, which generally involve the victims' blood.Makes it worse that Joji (before he vanished from the videos) himself didn't want to even get involved with Chin Chin.Chin Chin in general, considering everybody's scared shitless of him.The sheer idea of Chin Chin HAVING HIS EYES SEWN SHUT to try and limit his power.Why did you subscribe to this channel? You're trapped! Trapped forever! THE LORD WILL FIND YOU! You all made a mistake. Frank: 's probably done a lot of bad shit for you guys.